Partner schools

Schulbesuch_Retz_Mai2013_optMEET OUR PARTNER SCHOOLS!

We are excited to see the strong interest in participating in the project Choose Your Own Sustainability Adventure! The eight following schools in Austria, Germany, and the United States have been selected to take part in and co-design with their teachers our Sustainability Adventures:

Bergheidengasse, Federal School for Tourism and Economics (Vienna 13)
Contact: Daniel Wandls (Vienna 13)
Vocational School for Social Professions (Stockerau)
Contact: Renate Schöpf
Rosasgasse High School (Vienna 12)
Contact: Isabella Grünbeck
New Middle School Retz (Retz)
Contact: Cornelia Dammelhart
BRG Krems Ringstraße High School (Krems)
Contact: Christoph Lachawitz

Montessori Essing (Essing, Germany)
Contact: Stefan Hilpert

Harrison Preparatory School (Lakewood, Washington)
Contact: Jason Dearborn
Sumner High School (Sumner, Washington)
Contact: Emily Browning-Cray

Our partner schools have already been very active in the areas of environmental, social, and economic sustainability (e.g. Fair Trade) and are open to new forms of learning. With that in mind, they are ideal partner schools to take Global Learning and Education for Sustainable Development to a new level with the project Choose Your Own Sustainability Adventure.

In the process our partner schools can access and utilize the diverse resources of innovative school networks, such as the „ÖKOLOG„, „PILGRIM„, the „International Baccalaureate„, as well as „UNESCO“ school networks.

Bergheidengasse_logo spartan_logo HarrisonPrepLogo

Montessori_EssingBRG Krems Logo




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Our partners
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Frauen
Center for Global Change and Sustainability
Ecosocial Student Forum
CliMates Austria
forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften
Patagonia, Inc.
Pilgrim Schools
Seek the Change
Südwind Bildung

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