About us

We at ViA are young “Visionaries in Action” that believe that transformative learning is the key for change.

Through our activities and interactive work with youth and young adults, ViA aims to shed light on the global challenges of our time (economic crises, biodiversity loss, environmental degradation, climate change, social discrimination etc.), as well as to promote constructive and proactive approaches to overcoming these challenges. We are convinced: Sustainable lifeslyes, economies and work environments are not only possible – they are already available and they are better for people and the planet!

We try to broaden peoples’ perspectives throuh interactive and transcultural events, games & projects (Visions for 2040, Choose Your Own Sustainability Adventure, UN Climate Conference Simulations etc.). In the process of our activities and games, people are enabled to develop their own visions of what a sustainable future could look like for themselves and others worldwide. Concrete options for getting involved are elaborated together, so that each person can see how easy it is to be a part of a sustainable future.

Why? Because the world of tomorrow begins today!

Click on the links to read about our Mission Statement and Our Principles.

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Our partners
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Frauen
Center for Global Change and Sustainability
Ecosocial Student Forum
CliMates Austria
forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften
Patagonia, Inc.
Pilgrim Schools
Seek the Change
Südwind Bildung

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