WIN WIN Sustainability Adventure

In cooperation with the Swedish WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award, one of the world’s largest sustainability awards, we offer the WIN WIN Sustainability Adventure as our empowering digital youth-exchange program for young people, who play an active role in the creation of a more sustainable future. Designed for the top candidates of the WIN WIN Youth Award, the program brings young change-makers from all over the world together…and so much more!

The main aim of this program is to create a creative space for young leaders to connect with peers, exchange experiences, best-practices, ideas on how to make their initiatives more impactful and receive a new level of motivation, inspiration and professionalism from a supportive community of peers. We cheer for each other in our common vision of a sustainable world!

Participants of this batch of the WinWin Sustainability Adventure embark on a new mission in September. Stay tuned to find their stories featured on social media #WinWinSustainabilityAdventure

Check out our video that was launched in occasion of the international WinWin-Award Ceremony in Gothenburg Sweden in 2020:

Check out this Video from one of the workshops in 2021:

Get in Contact
Our partners
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Frauen
Center for Global Change and Sustainability
Ecosocial Student Forum
CliMates Austria
forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften
Patagonia, Inc.
Pilgrim Schools
Seek the Change
Südwind Bildung

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