News Archive

Below you’ll find archived Forum ViA news arranged in chronological order from most recent (top) to oldest (bottom) news.


CYOSA_logoA new year with new ViA Ambassadors and a new partner school in a new country! Mathis and Hannah started their around-the-world travels as ViA Ambassadors in Thailand on December 5th, 2014. They have adopted a class in Essing, Germany, which will follow their sustainability adventures and help them solve sustainability “Challenges” around the world. We’ll post more info about Mathis, Hannah, and their school in Essing soon on our homepage, so check back soon!


SeektheChangeYay networking! The sustainability world is a small world. We were connected with Emily Dunning by Jenny from Baikal Wave in Irkutsk, Russia. Emily has a project similar to ours and is traveling the world on her SEEK THE CHANGE journey, interviewing people and organizations working toward a sustainable world. She also interviewed us via Skype and posted a profile about the Sustainability Adventure on her blog here. With such similar goals, we’ve decided to ‘join forces’ and support each other as partners however we can! As they say: “Alone you go fast, but together you go farther!”


biorama_logoWhat is the Sustainability Adventure all about? If you can read German, then check out the article “Eine Weltreise als Schulfach” by Doris Fröhlich which was published in the Austrian sustainable lifestyle magazine BIORAMA, to learn more!


screenshot_seedbarkrootValentina and Matt met Kayci and Joe, writers of the blog Seed, Bark & Root, while traveling through Colombia in May. They interviewed the ViA Ambassadors this summer – click here to read the article!


More than 20,000km by land and sea, 100s of amazing people, +50 sustainability initiatives, 9 countries, 8 months, 3 partner school classes on 2 continents, 2 travelers and 1 awesome adventure – the first year of our project Choose Your Own Sustainability Adventure has come to a close!

Check out this video to learn more about the project’s first year or visit us on Facebook or the project homepage. And stay tuned for more when the adventure continues during the 2014/2015 school year!


the bird's new nestThe online magazine the bird’s new nest: Eco.Life.Style.Magazine interviewed the ViA Ambassadors – click here to read the article (in German)!


Ideenwettbewerb_logoThe entire Forum ViA team, including our partner teachers in Retz and Vienna, are excited to be among the winners of the Austrian ideas competition “Teaching for a Sustainable Future” (“Nachhaltig Zukunft lehren“)!

The prize was awarded for our didactic proposal in the area of food and sourcing, specifically the second challenge of the Sustainability Adventure entitled “Strawberry Dream or Strawberry Nightmare?”

The official awards ceremony will take place on May 14th, 2014 at 4:00pm in the KPH Vienna (Strebersdorf).


Great news! Forum ViA is proud to announce that its project Choose Your Own Sustainability Adventure has been selected as an official project of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development by the Austrian Commission for the UNESCO!

This distinction recognizes the project’s ongoing efforts to promote the aims and values of education for sustainable development and global learning.


Choose Your Own Sustainability Adventure challenges now accessible!

You can now read about the current challenge and all previous challenges from our Choose Your Own Sustainability project HERE! You can also access the challenges individually in the menu above (under “Sustainability Adventure”).


All Sustainability Adventure blog posts with our partner LEBENSART can now be read in German on their website HERE.

More to come!


Here’s a video showing the Choose You Own Sustainability Adventure kick-off in Lakewood, WA and the results of the first challenge!


On September 26th, the ViA Ambassadors met with students at the U.S. partner school, Harrison Prep, in Lakewood (WA) and officially launched the Forum ViA Sustainability Adventure with a bike ride to Olympia (WA)! Following a weekend of stormy weather, the adventure continues to the next stop in Portland (OR).

For more information, click here or follow us on Twitter!


BBF_logoForum ViA is happy to announce that it has been selected to receive financial support from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education and Women’s Affairs for its project Choose Your Own Sustainability Adventure! ________________________________________________________________________

World_map_CYOSA_smallWe are excited to announce the following three schools that have been selected to take part in our project Choose Your Own Sustainability Adventure!

– HLTW13 Bergheidengasse
– New NÖ Middle School Retz
– Harrison Preparatory School

Click here for more information…


The 6th annual EARTHtalks took place on May 16th in the Hofburg in Vienna, Austria and were hosted by ViA partner NEONGREEN NETWORK.

ViA was there and enjoyed – as always – the great talks and meeting and talking with new people and old friends!


UNAOC logo

ViA is happy to have been able to participate in the 5th Global Forum of the UN Alliance of Civilizations and its Youth Event in Vienna, Austria on 26-28 February 2013!
For more information, click here.


Visionen 2040 PosterVisions for 2040

A workshop and “Festival of Ideas” (both in German) in Vienna, Austria on 14 November 2012.

Click here for more info!



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Our partners
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Frauen
Center for Global Change and Sustainability
Ecosocial Student Forum
CliMates Austria
forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften
Patagonia, Inc.
Pilgrim Schools
Seek the Change
Südwind Bildung

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